Your result is great. It indicates normal daytime sleepiness.
If you wake up feeling well-rested and alert during the day, there's nothing to worry about.
Recommendation : continue to maintain good sleep hygiene, including regular bedtime and wake up times.
However, if you are not refreshed when you wake up or if you are lacking in energy, there may be a problem. For example, you could have obstructive sleep apnea. Many people with sleep apnea complain of fatigue, not sleepiness!
Recommendation : if necessary, do not hesitate to consult a health professional to assess the causes and find solutions. The easiest way: contact us.
Your result suggests normal daytime sleepiness... but a bit higher than expected.
The causes can be varied:
- lack of sleep
- irregular sleep schedule
- particular medical condition
- obstructive sleep apnea less well controlled
- etc.
For many people, such drowsiness can cause inconvenience and even problems:
- Need naps
- Decreased work performance
- nuisance in activities
- need to take products to wake up (caffeine, neurostimulants, etc.)
- drowsiness while driving (extremely dangerous!)
- etc.
If this is the case for you, you may want to improve your situation.
Recommendations :
- Adopt habits that promote restful sleep: avoid screens before bed, limit stimulants like caffeine, and promote a calm sleep environment.
- If sleepiness persists, consult a health professional to assess the causes and find solutions. The easiest way: contact us.
Your result indicates an abnormal level of sleepiness: slightly elevated.
This level could affect your quality of life and your safety, especially at work or while driving your car.
The causes can be varied:
- lack of sleep
- poor sleep
- thyroid problems
- diabetes
- insulin resistance
- Depression
- etc.
Your actual sleepiness may be more important than the “slightly elevated” level indicated by this test. This is probably the case if:
- You need naps
- sleepiness interferes with your work or activities
- you need to take products to wake up (caffeine, neurostimulants)
- you are sometimes drowsy at the wheel (which is extremely dangerous!)
- etc.
Recommendations :
- To find out the causes of your sleepiness, you will probably need to have a thorough assessment of your situation, including a sleep test.
- Make an appointment with a health professional to discuss this. The easiest way: contact us.
- In the meantime, be especially vigilant in situations that require sustained attention, such as while driving your car. If possible, make sure you get enough sleep.
Your result indicates an abnormal level of sleepiness: moderately high.
This level could affect your quality of life and safety, especially at work or while driving a car.
The causes can be varied:
- lack of sleep
- poor sleep
- thyroid problems
- diabetes
- insulin resistance
- Depression
- etc.
Your actual sleepiness may be more important than the “moderately high” level indicated by this test. This is probably the case if:
- You need naps
- sleepiness interferes with your work or activities
- you need to take products to wake up (caffeine, neurostimulants)
- you are sometimes drowsy at the wheel (which is extremely dangerous!)
- etc.
Recommendations :
- To find out the causes of your sleepiness, you will probably need to have a thorough assessment of your situation, including a sleep test.
- Make an appointment with a health professional to discuss this. The easiest way: contact us.
- In the meantime, be especially vigilant in situations that require sustained attention, such as while driving your car. If possible, make sure you get enough sleep.
Your result reflects severe sleepiness that requires medical attention.
This level may be associated with health conditions such as:
- obstructive sleep apnea or other sleep disorder
- Narcolepsy
- diabetes out of control
- etc.
Recommendations :
- Consult a health professional to perform appropriate tests. The easiest way: contact us.
- Avoid dangerous activities, such as driving your car, until the cause of your sleepiness is identified and treated.

People with insomnia also have sleep apnea

half of sleep apnea sufferers don't snore regularly, showing that this disorder can be present without any obvious signs.

More than 80 sleep disorders can disrupt your nights and affect your overall health if left untreated.